Participating in VET can provide credit points towards the attainment of the Tasmanian Certificate of Education (TCE), and/or the attainment of a nationally recognised VET qualification. The achievement of a VET qualification signifies that a student has demonstrated competency against the skills and knowledge specified to perform effectively in the workplace.
If you’re interested in a pathway to the sport and recreation industry or perhaps an education-based university degree, you should check out our VET Certificate II in Sport and Recreation program for 2025!
If you’re interested in a pathway to early childhood education, child care or perhaps an education-based university degree, you should check out our VET Certificate III in Early Childhood Education & Care program for 2025!
Our Certificate II in Engineering Pathways program gives students access to excellent expertise and equipment - you can build a job-ready skill set for an apprenticeship with the right attitude!
Our Certificate II in Retail Cosmetics program gives students access to excellent teaching expertise and a purpose-built facility - you can build a job-ready skill set with the right attitude!
Our Certificate II in Construction Pathways program gives students access to fantastic teaching expertise and excellent work placement opportunities - you can build a job-ready skill set with the right attitude!
Our Certificate II in Kitchen Operations program gives students access to excellent teaching expertise and a purpose-built facility - you can build a job-ready skill set with the right attitude!
Our NEW Certificate II in Applied Digital Technology program gives students access to excellent teaching expertise and a purpose-built facility, as well as great work placement opportunities! You can build a job-ready skill set with the right attitude!
Our Certificate II in Certificate II in Automotive Vocational Preparation program gives students access to excellent teaching expertise and a purpose-built facility, as well as great work placement opportunities! You can build a job-ready skill set with the right attitude!
Our Certificate II in Hospitality program gives students access to excellent teaching expertise, a purpose-built facility, and some great work placement opportunities. You can build a job-ready skill set with the right attitude!
Our Certificate II in Salon Assistant program gives students access to excellent teaching expertise and a purpose-built facility, as well as great work placement opportunities! You can build a job-ready skill set with the right attitude!
Our Certificate III in Fitness program gives students access to excellent teaching expertise and a purpose-built facility, as well as great work placement opportunities! You can build a job-ready skill set with the right attitude!
Our Certificate I & II in Animal Studies program gives students access to excellent teaching expertise, a purpose-built facility, and some great work placement opportunities. You can build a job-ready skill set with the right attitude!
Our Certificate II in Electrotechnology program gives students access to excellent teaching expertise and a purpose-built facility, as well as great work placement opportunities! You can build a job-ready skill set with the right attitude!